Tuesday, September 30, 2008

*Are You Covered?*

Hi, my name's Kerrie and I write over at Sanity Department. I'm participating in Absolutely Bananas Monday Writing Prompt about Embarrassing Moments. I already posted one over at www.sanitydepartment.com, but I'm writing a guest column here at Ankle Rolls. Enjoy this humiliating moment and then check out my Alarming Situation over at Sanity Department. Thanks!

Over the summer, me, Mr. T and T Junior went to the Scottish Highland Games in Enumclaw. We're both part Scottish, so it's something we try to attend every year. T Junior was handling the crowd and the noise of the bagpipes very well.

But, after an hour or so, it was time for him to eat. This was going to be my very first public breastfeeding experience.

We found a spot near the rear of the fairgrounds in an area where there was nothing going on. There were no booths or exhibits, just a lonely, empty bench. Perfect.

I told Mr. T to go enjoy himself while I fed our son.

I got out my privacy shawl and put it over my head. I know what you're thinking: Why didn't you just take a bottle? The answer to your very obvious question is: I'm not sure.

Anyway, breastfeeding a wiggly baby without a Boppy is no easy task. It's even harder when you can't see what you're doing because you are wearing a shawl trying to block others from seeing what you are doing. To make things more complicated, T Junior didn't really like being under this hot shawl. (He likes to observe his surroundings.) I kept having to make him latch again and again, but I couldn't see so it was difficult.

Finally, we got coordinated. He was eating and I was enjoying the music of the opening ceremonies featuring all of the pipe bands, maybe more than 100-pipers and -drummers strong. Even though they were far away, the music was loud and beautiful. A little breeze was blowing. It felt good.

T Junior was still eating when the ceremonies ended. The wind was picking up and I kept having to hold down one side of my shawl (the important side).

Then, to my shock and horror, I saw ALL of the pipers and drummers coming my way. There were lots and lots of men heading directly at us. I struggled to keep the wind from exposing me as EVERY member of ALL of the pipe bands passed right in front of me.
