Friday, May 9, 2008

Here we go ...

At some unavoidable point, we're going to have to get to Wednesday, birth day. You've been very patient so far, and I can't stop the chronological retelling of events any more than I could stop those events from first transpiring. But maybe I'll draw it out a bit more, considering how long my posts tend to ramble. Take it in more palatable bites (been reading Renae du Jour; can you tell, Miss Renae and friends?)

See? Humor. Remember how I mentioned that problem earlier? Humor as avoidance. Screw it.

Wednesday morning after a few more tests Morning Group Head Doctor (known in the previous post as Evening Group Head Doctor; I guess shift change hadn't happened yet) appeared, saw my breakfast tray and very agitatedly exclaimed, "You can't have anything to eat! You haven't eaten anything have you?"

"Um, no."

Calm from Morning Group/Evening Group/All-Around Head Doctor. Preparing me. Softly, now. The air of gentleness.

"We're going to have to deliver the baby."